Thank you for visiting the District of Columbia Counseling Association’s (DCCA) new and authorized web site. We hope to provide a place where you can stay in touch with DCCA and the opportunities that we offer. Our new content management system will enable us to keep you up to date.
At present, our web site remains under construction with changes taking place daily. We are making every effort to present you with our entire spectrum of information and offers as soon as possible. Currently, we can provide you with information regarding Nominations for Officers/Trustees and the 2015-2016 Election. Brenson Long, Nominations/Election Committee Chair, has sent out information to current members. Please check your email for this important information.
The emphasis of our site is membership information exchange and networking opportunities. Please check this website often for the latest updates! We look forward to hearing from you. If you are unfamiliar with DCCA and your first contact with us is online, please contact us at Please share your questions and we will be more than happy to help.
In brief, you should know the following about us:
The purposes of DCCA are to enhance individual human development; to advance the scientific discipline of guidance, counseling and personnel work; to promote sound guidance, counseling and personnel practices and in the interests of society and the individual; to conduct scientific, educational and professional meetings and conferences; to inform and educate the general public about the human development profession by establishing contacts with various organizations for scientific and educational pursuits; to examine conditions which create barriers to individual development and to work to remove them'
DCCA, the state branch of the American Counseling Association (ACA), was the predecessor of the National Capital Personnel and Guidance Association, originating in 1963-64 as the state branch of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, which is currently known as ACA. Counselors and related professionals from diverse backgrounds, professions, and academia comprise our membership. Please visit the Membership page of this site for more information.